
Should I Use CBD Oil? What is it?

CBD stands for Cannabidiol. It is becoming increasingly popular for use in the treatment of arthritic pain. The surgeons discuss the use of CBD oil. It can be ingested or applied topically. There is little evidence available in the literature regarding efficacy at this point, however, more studies are being performed. The risk of addiction appears to be low. Anecdotally there appears to be some benefit for some people when using CBD oil in the treatment of arthritic pain.

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  • D Boutier

    D Boutier
    0 seconds ago
    It is a sad commentary on our society that people think doctors with a personality and I delightful sense of humor are wasted. I think both of you would’ve been delightful students in my class. I am a great lover of sarcasm and jokes in learning. (Not sarcasm about the kids but about the topic). Dr. Brad I have always thought you would’ve been one of those students in one of my AP classes that I was always sure had done something I just never could figure out what it was. It’s something about your smile. Stay safe and keep making videos

  • Flipgurujn

    I smoke CBD and it does dull my DDD pain but where it helps me the most is my sciatica. If my sciatica is flaring up to a pain level 7, it would relieve 70% of it. Anything 4 and below, it would 100% relieve my sciatica. I just got a new job and finally finished my drug screening and I can't wait to toke up some CBD again.

  • Charlene Patton

    I just got taken off pain meds after 4yrs of use for arthritis. Can anyone give me on advice on CBD for pain? What form do you like best? What brand is best? Please help, I need to make a pain plan for my own sake

  • Kymberli

    Hi guys, I am in my 50's and developed some horrible arthritis. This time last year I was in tremendous pain with braces and crutches. A baker's cyst on my knee the size of a softball, just awful. nothing my doctors were doing was helping at all, hence the braces and the crutches. I was not going to live my life that way. I knew i had one thing going for myself is that I had already given up sugar the year before. Sugar is the most awful thing a person can put in their body, and a source of all kinds of inflammation and pain – if they only knew – ugh!!
    I was in a nutrition class at the time and I was already a fan of vitamins, minerals, herbs etc. I researched everything tried to eat the right combinations of food to increase bioavailability. anyway I was trying anything and everything. i finally have gotten my arthritis completely under control and no pain what so ever, I clean houses and have to get on my knees a lot and i am not bothered by it and do not have issues getting back up.
    Cbd oil is not the only thing i use but I know that it was the major player in getting it all under control and getting rid of pain. I am a big fan!!
    I do not do drugs as I am in recovery but was never able to smoke the green as it made me severely sick like the worst case of alcohol poisoning you ever saw. That does not happen when I take this stuff!!

  • usnsailorjeoff

    I've tried multiple CBD oils. The Joy Organics brand (i'm not affiliated in any way) is one that has tremendously helped with depression. Hope it helps someone else out there. God bless.

  • Mona Das

    CBD stands for Cannabidiol. It is becoming increasingly popular for use in the treatment of arthritic pain. The surgeons discuss the use of CBD oil. It can be ingested or applied topically.This is really amazing video. It's very interesting and valuable information. In this video everything is very clear and well explained. It's totally helpful for me.Thank you for sharing this video.

  • Opop Opop

    Hilarious they have been putting fake vitamin C (synthetic/artificial) from big pharma into gummie-bears for years now…and yet even though linus pauling, his wife, AND their GP doctor all died from CANCER from megadosing this comparative garbage, nary a word is said by anyone about the connection. When big pharma's Ascorbic acid reacts with macro iron (something big pharma puts into MOUNDS of processed foods also) it causes an oxidation reaction which releases free radicals, good for killing the common cold in the short term, yet also DEVASTATING for snowballing into cancer formations down the road. So yeah, gummies…CBD is way better to put into em than any of the rest of the trash from big pharma for the most part, such as fake vitamins! USE FOOD MATRIX vitamins, has thousands of years of proven history compared to the few decades of the insanity big biz has with their knock-offs!

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