
Cortex Nootropics Podcast #12 The Mighty Modafinil – The Cortex Nootropic Stack – a stack for FOCUS, productivity, and verbal fluency. On this podcast, we talk about the effects, dosages, co-factor suggestions and more around the Mighty Modafinil.

We’ll talk about what it’s useful for, what to avoid taking it with, and why it’s one of the most powerful smart drugs known to man.



  • Hunter Cox

    I've been experimenting with Modafinil for the past 2 months. I'm taking it recreationally for cognitive enhancing effects. The first batch, which I got 2 packs of Modvigil, 1 pack of Waklert and 1 pack of Artvigil.. I started out with a full dose at 7am, every other day during the work week and taking a break on Saturday and Sunday. Modvigil was by far the most consistent. Very subtle effects, not as stimulatory. Waklert was a little too much for me. I'm a nail biter (have been since I was a kid), and I'd find that if I took a Waklert, I'd have extra tension in my body. I don't think Waklert is suitable for sitting at a desk and focusing, but it could be beneficial for cleaning the house or something where you're moving around more.. Artvigil was a little more noticeable than Modvigil, but still similar. I found that Waklert and Artvigil had the potential to give me a headache. My second batch was 4 packs of Modalert.. Modalert is my favorite so far. It's super subtle (for me), and doesn't cause too much stimulation. I also always pair Moda with caffeine and theanine.. and I always try to drink plenty of water on it.

    Some 'cons' of Modafinil so far. It seems to cause me to hold my bladder for a really long time in the hopes of "getting ONE MORE thing done" (even if it's looking up the definition of a word). It ramps up that pattern of thought where something is urging you to go away from your desk, but something in you is saying "buut juuust ONE MORE THING!". This is something I noticed, although it's not very serious. Also, if I don't take sleep-aid supplements in the evening, I'll have a difficult time being 'ready for bed'.. It's not the falling asleep once I'm in bed that's the problem. It is ever going upstairs to get INTO bed that's not on my priority list.. So I take Onnit's "New Mood" a few hours before bed, and then right before bed I'll take a melatonin. (cycle off of melatonin every couple of weeks). Taking these seems to reintroduce the GABA and that "priority list" starts to get a little blurry.. It's weird what it does to your desire to 'get things done' as opposed to your physical need to be reading articles/learning/cleaning like with some stimulants.

    Thanks for making the in-depth, informative video! Keep up these podcasts! Love all the work you put into this subject and research.

  • MichaelMag3d

    1st time with modafinil 100mg and after 30min i felt a need to take a nap. I slept for about 2 hours and i woke up very well-rested… Is that normal with this substance?

  • Seaker24

    I was curious where Cortex was produced. I know where Farmingdale is on Long Island. Nice to know its produced there. There are a few very well known vitamin brands manufactured here.

  • Pavan MS

    Modafinil doesn't give me the same effects it gave me many years ago, how do i overcome this? My brain is so saturated by Moda, i literally yawn on this drug. I want to reset my tolerance, how do i do this?

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