
My Top 3 Nootropics (Smart Drugs) For A Peak Performing Brain

My NEW Vlog Channel:

UPDATE! (Dec 2018) ?Since posting this I’ve since met the owners of Alpha Dynamics (amazing guys) and managed to get a DISCOUNT CODE if you want to try any of their products. Link here and use the code “stevenwarren” to save on $$$ on your order.

Bulletproof Neuromaster?
Nootropics Depot (Aniracetam)?
Activate by Alpha Dynamics?

Before you choose to try any smart drugs, my personal suggestion would be: fix your diet/sleep/stress levels first! Getting these things down gives me incredible focus and cognitive enhancement alone. These are just supplements that I use from time to time when I really need to kick it into gear (which we all at some point need to do!)


Ways to support the channel, my recommended products, and discount code:

▹ Alpha Dynamics Premium Mushroom Extracts
‣ Use discount code “STEVENWARREN” to save $$

▹ Real Mushrooms Bulk Extracts

▹ GembaRed – Affordable Red Light Therapy Devices. Low-flicker & EMF
‣ Use discount code “STEVENWARREN” to save $$

▹ Panacea – Pure Shilajit Tablets
‣ Use discount code “WARREN” to save $$

▹ True Dark – Blue Light Blocking & Sleep Hacking Glasses
‣ Use discount code “STEVENRAY” to save 15%

Much love! Thank you for watching and being on this journey with me ??
Disclaimers: Steven Warren is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before starting any exercise or diet program. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. Steven Warren will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, or illness.

Some of these links contain affiliate linkage. This helps support my channel and the hours that go into making free content at NO extra cost to you. Use them if you like



  • Ralph G Mercuri

    Every one of you amateur u-tubers thinking your something because you got a video.. Do you ever just sit down with someone educated.? Someone who is not a friend, someone with a backbone who doesn't need public approval for his self-worth..??
    Try it with the intent on getting feedback on EVERYTHING.. Go find someone with a degree in Marketing and get a critique. This is the first time I have watched you, or even knew you existed, and here is a very quick review of your product.

    – SLOW DOWN.. The speed at which you speak discounts your credibility. You sound like an undisciplined stepchild..
    The viewer will take his cues from your behaviors and your presentation idiocynracies. You started off with the awareness of a few common speaking idiosyncrasies. I was so impressed… I was ready to finally sit back and get thru a video without being driven crazy, but then..!!??? %$. FUCK..!!!
    This is the most irritating and most common distraction of public speakers… WTF people, I know you watch yourselves..
    Or is it you think it lends you an air of sophistication.?
    IT DOESN'T. !!!!

    I'm done.. Hire me, I'll fix you up and you'll be do much more effective. I'll get you results that will change your life.. I gave you a hint at my abilities.
    I am worlds above what anyone else can give you in this domain. If you can't discern my genius from what I jyst gave you, then you're not going to understand my value.
    Thanks, and take care. I hope to hear…

  • John Xina

    The nootropic Id recommend depends on the person. If they suffer from high stress, worry, and high cortisol, Id get them on the standardized ashwagandha root extract (ksm-66) plus piperine (component from black pepper that aids bioavailability).

    L-theanine, vaped CBD, and kava kava could also be experimented with for the people who lose their mental edge due to stress, fear or anxiety.

  • Tofu

    Do these bottles have a protection seal on them? I bought a caffeine + l-theanine from a third party supplier and it didn't have any. Just wanted to make sure it's real.

  • Jerry Bear

    i have tried ginkgo biloba and it puts me over the top (fast talking asshole). tried rishi mushrooms and the same reaction nasty asshole. ginseng cycling is what i have found works best for me.

  • 2mogar

    Seriously man, the bulletproof product is 60 dollars for a one month supply, coffee berries are a waste product of coffee production. They throw it away. It will be a cold day in hell before I pay 60 dollars for a waste product. Can I sell you a bottle of cinders? You can find the same thing fot much less than 60.00$

  • Bossman

    Steven Ray Warren Is it safe for someone who also takes “keppra" an anti-seizure medication that I take cause of a stroke a while back? Is it safe bro??

  • Heather Figi

    That’s great that it helps him and no offense to someone who is sincerely trying to help others. The counter to this is we all have unique biological pathways meaning what works for one person can hurt another. Also, this advice avoids the important topic of how these may interact with medications or other supplements. Do your own research people. Thanks

  • baEr's woRld.

    Bro, I can’t find the video ..I’m looking for .. one that you made where you suggested a specific DHA supplement to me, you said it was like night and day, the difference between this liquid dha product and fish oil, and you could actually feel it. I was wondering If you could help me ? Not sure if it was even a video, but it was a comment you replied to of mine. Do you remember ? It was in a black bottle and it was just straight up DHA – I have been to the site and remember it being ina black bottle and having some geometrical pattern logo on it, think it cost around $50-$60 bucks but I can’t remember for sure. Anyway, I’ve been using fish oil and want to try something else out for my Brain, bro if you can remember this you would be a life saver. I remember it being on one of your MCT oil videos, specifically the bulletproof brand, you we’re going Through your kitchen cupboard and showing a bunch of different stuff in the video, I tried searching your videos but can’t find it. Let me know if you know and remember what I’m talking about, appreciate you brother.

  • baEr's woRld.

    i find N-Aceytl L-Tyrosine and also DL-Phenylalanine both are great for me personally, also Lions Mane.
    But these are awesome.
    Another thing, in the evening, when im winding down and starting to fel burnt out a bit – i have a cup of gynostemma tea, believe it or not, this stuff is powerful and picks me up and gets me through the rest of the night – easily.
    Try it, i get mine from Dragon Herbs – its called Spring Dragon, its great. you only need 1 tea bag, you get 20 for $9 bucks.
    Not shabby, this stuff is great.

    I also use Moringa, Cetylon Cinnamon, Seaweeds (irish moss, bladderwrack, kelp blend) all from, im also using Vitamineral Greens and Vitamineral Earth – also Markus Rothkranz Green Formula, all three are top-notch and highly recommended.

    I feel extremely healthy from consuming all of these daily, you would too.

    Also try Amla Berry Powder, cheap and super effective for all types of things. Easy way to make sure you are covered and to preserve your health, fully loaded with anti-oxidants.

    Others would be..Hawthorn Extract – an absolute must for your heart, the worlds #1 heart tonic. Really, google this one and try it – add it to your daily stack, you will thank me later.

    Also drinking cayenne pepper water can keep your heart health on point and prevent plague build-up – this will prevent you from having heart atacks and/or strokes later on down the road.
    Google it, you will find a story of a man who drank caynne pepper water everyday since he was young and had his veins and heart arteries checked at 66 and results came back showing he had a cardiocvascular system and arterial function of an 18 year old!!
    His secret was he drank cayenne pepper water everyday, absolutely amazing and inspiring story.

    Hope this helps

    – B

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