
Charlotte’s Web CBD Oil Explanation & Review

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Charlotte’s Web Hemp Extract in MCT infuses genuine Charlotte’s Web™ Hemp Extract into MCT oil – fractionated coconut oil – with a pleasing organic chocolate mint flavoring. As a whole plant extract, CW Hemp Extract in MCT contains not only 200mg, 500mg or 1500mg of CBD per 1oz bottle, but also incorporates other naturally occurring elements, terpenes and phytochemicals found in our proprietary hemp strains.

Video Transcript:
Hi guys, it’s Brandy with Green Wellness Life; just talking with you about another one of my favorite products today. This is one that you’ve probably heard of, because it’s from Charlotte’s Web and Charlotte’s Web is actually the most well-known name in the industry today. As you may or may not know, they started in the medical marijuana field and had a real breakthrough in finding a strain that worked really well to help children with seizure disorders and from there they moved into the hemp space and those are the products that we carry today.

I’ve got a few different products from Charlotte’s Web. What I’m going to talk about today are the tinctures. They’re going to come to you in a little box like so and there are three different variations on this tincture. There’s an everyday, an everyday plus, and an everyday advanced. So, I’ve got the everyday plus. This is the middle of the road product. It’s a 500 milligram tincture. All three of them are going to be in the same box and the same bottle. The only difference is the amount of CBD that they contain. They go 200, 500, 1,500. Again, today we are looking at the everyday plus. Two dots is how you can tell that and this is a 500 milligram strain.

So, when you pop it out of the box, there’s going to be a little bottle like this. This is an MCT oil base, so it’s a fractionated coconut oil base and it’s got a little bit of mint chocolate flavoring in it. That’s nice and it makes it a little bit more palatable and the fact that they use an MCT vs. a hemp oil for the base is going to mean that it’s not as earthy and grassy as you might experience with some other brands.

You want to always shake up your tincture. A little separation is natural, so make sure that you shake it up before giving it a try. When I’m talking to people about serving sizes and because this is food, we do talk in terms of servings rather than doses, but I usually say eyeball it and do about half of a dropper. So, you can see that’s about 15 drops or so and that’s half of the dropper. At that rate, you’re going to get 40 servings out of this bottle. So, just over a month if you’re doing that at half a dropper. So, half a dropper is a great place to start. Do that for five days or so and if you feel like you’re not seeing the benefits that you’re looking for, you can always increase that for the next five days and then by the end of that ten days, we should have a pretty good feel on whether or not hemp oil is going to work well for you.

So, I’ve got my half a dropper, I’m going to actually drop it right under my tongue, and just hold it as long as you’re comfortable. 30-60 seconds is great. Swallow it down and go on about your day. If you don’t like the lasting flavor that the oil leaves in your mouth, this one’s pretty light and minty, which is nice, but not overpowering. You can definitely feel the oil sitting in the back of your throat a little bit. No big deal at all to drink something and wash it down – that’s a question I get a lot. As long as you’ve held it under your tongue, you’ve already let that start to go to work in your system, which is a good thing. We want to get those benefits before our body has to go through all of the digestive work. So, that is a little bit about Charlotte’s Web. Again, this one is the everyday plus. There are three different variations: everyday, everyday plus, and everyday advanced. As always, if you have any questions or if there’s anything I can do for you, then shoot me an email at



  • Take Off Your Blinkers

    I don't understand certain people that complain about taste, if it bloody works, why would you care.
    Clearly their problems aren't that bad, anything natural and good for you will almost always taste like shit, to me that is a given.
    And believe me, i have tried many over the last 3 decades.

  • RevivalMusic

    I was so mad about sleeping after & trying cbd oil for the first time, it didn’t work for me. Then I bought the most powerful version of Charlotte’s web & tried it, again absolutely no results. I asked all the customer support team, they said sometimes if starts working later on different individuals. After using it for a whole month. I still didn’t feel any effects, so I got sooo mad. I had like half the bottle of the extract left, this night I decided to drink up all of it & sleep. And I thought that if this doesn’t work then cbd oil is bull crap & not worth the hype at ALL!! At least for me it. So after taking half the bottle down with the most powerful version extract of Charlotte’s Web since nothing else seemed to work for me, which is why I chose the most powerful one. I woke up in the morning with even worst sleep I had at night even when I regularly would sleep without any medications. I was confused, didn’t understand if what I was seeing was still a dream or a reality? But it just felt sooo much real that my instincts always knew that this was real, yes I am awake! I felt like my eyes were inside my stomach & my head was having super difficulties to function. I felt like I was in Hell! I didn’t know how to wake up, but I was already awake. I started to hallucinate, started to trip the heck out & couldn’t realize what in the world has happened to me, am I dead?? I was trying to walk, but I kept hearing voices in my head. As if my relatives inside the house were following me & laughing at me while playing hide & seek with me & fooling around. I felt like I was being made fun of. I started to feel offended by this, but I was helpless to do anything about it. I tried to talking but words couldn’t come out of my mouth because my brain seemed like it wasn’t functioning. I tried to YELL, but only murmurs would come out of my mouth with gibberish speaking. I couldn’t control my speech. I was completely helpless, I felt like I was paralyzed at the same time inside a nightmare that I couldn’t wake up from because it was not a nightmare but real life. At the same time I felt like I had two heads, one inside my stomach & one where my actual head belonged & it felt as if my brain & consciousness belonged or became stuck inside my stomach but I could feel my second being from a smaller consciousness from my actual head. Then I started to realize myself being interfered with as if another soul or spirit was inside me at the same time & supposedly is telling me to do bad & evil things. Forcing me, trying to control me to do this bad thing or that bad things. I can’t remember what it was forcing me to do, but I remember being filled with evil thoughts in my head as if becoming tamed to forcefully do evil deeds while at the same time my own inner consciousness would fight to reject these evil thoughts with as much as power as I could have. I felt like I was literally in Hell by this point. I resisted, I resisted, kept on resisting to not do anything bad or evil, because it felt like I knew, that if I had let whatever was trying to control me or force me into doing evil things, then I would’ve sinked in & become drained by its very powerful & forceful demands. And possibly would have become possessed by something evil, there was so much going on that my faulty brain in this damned situation couldn’t even keep up or fight any longer because all my energies were being drained from fighting this thing so much in my subconscious mind, from resisting with everything I had trying to not be overtaken by it. So then, I collapse because of this, there was too much going on inside my head so I couldn’t take it anymore & basically it felt like I knocked out or overdosed or something yet I had no way or time to think in my head what if it was that freaking cbd oil that did this to me? I didn’t think about that at all!! But after I got restored & sobered up, went to the doctor & the doctor was saying that I took too much of that cbd oil, & potentially was overdosed or had overdose symptoms. And the doc said that this cbd hype is all bull crap, it’s this new trend that’s going around lying to the people just so they can make money on a new product that they call cbd oil. It’s all in the placebo effect of the human brain & makes you think as if this product helps with anxiety, stress, sleep disorders, but he said those are all lies in order to make it a miracle hype make bunches of money from all those victims who spread the news more to the public about this newly miracle cure for everybody’s dreadful situations in life!! This got me really angered! So I said to myself, FUCK CBD OIL from now on!!!!! Yet again it still questions me when people say it, how it truly helps them? Now I’m at a point of being confused about this cbd oil stuff, is it only me that this doesn’t work on?!

  • 1wannabee1

    Hi I have a cpl of questions if I may. 1. Is the difference between the 3 bottles its 'strength' of the oil? Reason I ask, is that I've seen other cbd oils saying 2% or 4% etc. 2. Is it crucial to take it as it comes or can it be added to food? I'm asking with regards to giving it to young kids who, as I'm sure you are aware of, DONT often like to take medicines(lol). Hope you can help as I'm pretty new to this oil but my grandson has Autism ( although not yet 'officially diagnosed)and I've heard some encouraging results from other parents who's kids also have the same problem. Tc now

  • The Cali Life Irvin

    there is another charlottes web cbd oil made by Stanley brothers they contain more thc then 3% but I can only order them online they don't sell them anywhere why is this I can find c w products at my local nutrition shop but not the Stanley brothers canna tinctures

  • Gabriella Gelir

    I realize everyone's experience is different. I have tried charlotte's web and it made me feel like when I was on benzodiazepines. I just felt zoned out. It lasts about 4 hrs. I dont know, I just felt like my mind was encased in a shell. I took the dose, even a little less. Than what she explained in this video.

  • Gale Miller

    anybody know where to find Charlotte's Web and not in a hemp oil but with full spectrum! you don't get the full benefits with hemp oil! And I cannot find this stuff in full spectrum! Help ?

  • link

    Just bought this few mins ago, been taking another cbd oil that an actual pharmacist makes, took that for 3 months, saw some change but not a whole lot. Due to the distance it takes to get their CW was actually closer so less pain for me, it's crazy how she pops it in within seconds whereas the other I had to hold it in for a good 4-6 mins. But I will try CW and see what it can do, bought two vials of this, 60 mg, so eager to know what it can do ? cheers!

  • Sadie

    They say their products are Full spectrum and THEY ARE NOT. If there is no thc then it is not full spectrum. And if it is, the product is supposed to say there's THC and how much. The label isn't labeled properly. Notice how much she has to take for some effects. If anything was full spectrum, you would need a lot less drops. Not saying this doesn't work but this isn't full spectrum.

  • Theresa Chilton

    I have used this product it's Awesome, I had PTSD, Anxiety,and Depression it amazingly changed how I felt in general a little more pep and my joint pain felt a little better but at least I wasn't using a drug. Much Love ❤

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