
Marijuana and Nootropics? Is Marijuana a nootropic period?

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  • Mirc

    I love canabis. I use cbd drops only. Its a shame its not legal here in europe mostly. Marijuana is definetly a good nootropic enhacer, it makes all things and experiences in life more delicate and nootropics more noticable, it potentiates kratom effects. Nice topic man. Marijuana makes you very very creative at least in my experience. I use l theanine daily, sometiemes for sleep sometimes for sedation or making me calm. I used canabis from 17 to 24 now. But i stoped now just to raise my productivity and safety. Heh.

  • IndigoXYZ18

    Odd to think cannabis has anticholinergic properties considering THC is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. I'll look into it tho. But yea I more or less agree that it can be a noot in the same sense that amphetamine can be a noot, depending on the context, dose and frequency of use. Personally I find it's creative brainstorming benefits to be very useful, although not as useful when used more than once per week. Not to say there isn't any creative potential even for daily use, it's just that it will never be as effective or productive to be used more than once a week, and I've never found abstaing for longer periods before use enhances creative ability anymore than waiting a week. Although these days I rarely use it more than once a month or every few months.

  • 24jerde

    Heavy use of cannabis for several years destroyed my memory, problem solving and concentration. I haven´t smoked in 10 months and I have made a good recovery, but I´m still not as sharp as I used to be. Hoping to get back to 100% one day. There are many people with similar stories, but keep in mind I started smoking at 15 years old. I don´t think marijuana can be classified as a nootropic, but if you don´t abuse it I guess some people find it beneficial. I believe all drugs that make you feel really good come with a downside. Since quitting smoking my life has improved a lot. However, people are different and react different to drugs. I abused the plant, use in moderation might not do any harm.

  • Newer Account

    Funny, my wife is a bitch and I’m here looking for a period nootropic. Icariin just makes her wetter , phenibut was not too clever but marijuana equals icescream and with her mouth full I don’t hear a thing

  • Brayden

    An important part of improving Cognitive performance is obtaining a balance even one short lived for, cannabis could help some people occasionally destress which can help with decluttering.

    Decluttering can be just as important as thinking itself, If we never discontinued thoughts or let go of our concerns then our creative thinking would come to a hault. If meditation is too difficult then a quiet night with the TV off and a bowl of cannabis is my alternative to meditation, but i'd pursue meditation 90% of the time over the cannabis.

  • Raul Morales

    I would recommend healthier options like organic CBD oil just one drop is very concentrated so a little goes a long way. Smoking cannabis lowers testosterone levels, draws calcium from the bones to alkaline the bodies ph and also it throws off psychological functions in the brain and memory.
    Even better Organic oils (different strains) with Cbd will bring down inflammation that way your body can regenerate itself more efficiently . Remember The Brain and organs are large muscles composed of tissue that stem cells must regenerate, first step to speed the process is to lower inflammation.

    Best of lucks mates

  • shin's koala

    Personally, marijuana does not give me those negative side effects that are common like memory deficit etc. I take nootropics with weed, daily. I’ve tried nootropics on and off marijuana too and the effect seem identical, to me at least. Thanks for your service dude.

  • Seaker24

    Former pot head, 12 to 30's. It made me paranoid, causing chatter over petty things. It held me back for sure. I think it has its place but unless you have unique circumstances I would not make it a way of life. I have seen people be productive but I wonder if they would have excelled if the usage was toned down a little. Just like alcohol, don't make it a way of life. That's my personal take. Be free, be good, enjoy!

  • InvestorNabil

    It really makes no sense what you say. THC has veeryyy little benefit to your thinking and imagination. The small benefit is outweighed by the cognitive disadvantages, lots of conspiracy theory thinking, being ok with everything , chilllllllll etc. Like dude, what are you saying man? .. Still fun video to watch though.

  • Matheus Cruz

    is there any nootropic that would assist in weaning cannabis? I smoked in low doses but over time, I unconsciously increased the dose and today I feel that I am addicted to the good feeling that she gives me and I can no longer smoke a little. thank you very much, your knowledge is huge!

  • Kody Lee

    Gotta eat right with it. Stoners for years watched how high, cheech and chong, eating junk, no supplements, was lazy, and the government pointed to this statistic! It's for sure part of my stack, but delta 8 thc hemp derived. Delta 9 marijuana, psychedelic, basically for spiritual fulfillment.

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