
5 Nootropics You Can Get at Your Pharmacy (and cheap)

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5 Nootropics You Can Get at Your Pharmacy (and cheap) – Thomas DeLauer

Imagine walking into a Walgreen’s or a CVS and being able to get your hands on like a limitless pill, like a powerful nootropic that’s going to increase your memory, and make you feel just almost invincible, and just give you just that feeling of mental acuteness that you need.

Well, that’s the purpose of this video. I’m going to give you five nootropics that you can just go and find at your local grocery store or your local pharmacy.

Now the five things. First off is Alpha-GPC. Alpha-GPC stands for alpha glycerylphosphorylcholine. Alpha glycerylphosphorylcholine is something that provides choline for our bodies.

Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that is the spark of energy. Without acetylcholine, we don’t get the the spark. It’s what actually is lighting things up and making energy transfer.

It’s very complicated. The long story short is that a acetylcholine is going to be very powerful when it comes down to brain performance. If you have low levels of acetylcholine, like muscles don’t contract right, the brain doesn’t send a signal right, it can really mess things up.

The Journal International Society Of Sports Nutrition took a look at test subjects broken into four groups, Alpha-GPC at 200 milligrams, Alpha-GPC at 400 milligrams, caffeine, and then a placebo.

They wanted to measure a few things like a subtraction test, which is how quickly they could subtract certain things, spatial awareness and memory. They wanted to measure even some physical performance, and they wanted to measure jitteriness, just the side effect.

Lion’s mane is a mushroom, but it’s something that you could now get your hands on just about anywhere. In fact, I’ve seen lines mean at CVS. I’ve seen lion’s mane at Walmart.

Of course, you can get lion’s mane at Whole Foods and things like that. Probably one of the least expensive nootropics that you can get your hands on, next to creatine.

The reason that it works in a nootropic effect is because it boosts what’s called nerve growth factor. Nerve growth factor, just like the name implies, it grows neurons. It grows brain cells. It literally helps saturate a brain cell to help it grow and recover. We need this, especially if we’re taxing our body a lot.

This first one is pine bark extract, known as pycnogenol. Pycnogenol is a specific form of antioxidant known as anthocyanins. Now, this pycnogenol, it’s interesting how it works. It really works in two particular ways. In one way, it affects the endothelial layer of a vessel, a blood vessel.

Basically, it allows the blood vessels to relax and produce more nitric oxide, which therefore allows more blood flow. It can cross through the blood brain barrier, so it allows more blood flow specifically in the brain, which means more oxygen delivery, more nutrient delivery, more micronutrient delivery, and more mineral delivery, and overall just feelings of wellbeing.

There’s a study that’s published in the Journal Of Neurosurgical Sciences. It took a look at just taking 50 milligrams of pycnogenol three times per day for 12 weeks. Get this. There was almost a 9% increase in mental performance.

There was a 14% increase in memory. Then, there ended up being a 30% decrease in reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress within the brain. Okay, so improvements in memory, improvements in mental performance all while making the brain healthier and more sustainable. Very simple. 50 milligrams of that stuff that you can get at Walgreens is going to make a big difference for you.

astly, a study that was published in the Journal Of Neuro Regeneration Research found that it can actually improve nerve STEM cells or neural STEM cells, so in particular areas of the brain.

What that means is, if you have a few just dead brain cells, maybe from, I don’t know, sucking up helium when you were a kid or something like that, or holding your breath for too long, you might be able to regenerate some of that, because STEM cells are what are going to allow those things to regrow. It’s a little bit in its early stages, but it’s still nice to see that ginkgo has these powerful effects on the brain.



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