
Nicotine As A Nootropic

Nicotine, when used properly, can help you to:
1. Ability to handle stress
2. Improve your work ethic
3. More easily solve complex problems

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  • Larry N

    Hey man, don't let the haters get you down, unfortunately with the anonymity of the internet, they are and always will be everywhere. And alot of people are very misinformed and ignorant when it comes to nootropics. Good video as always. Hey man, on a different note, have you ever ordered or heard of a nootropics vendor called Pure Nootropics? If you have what was your experience with them?

  • Ninja wut

    My experience: I usually take just one spray a week, but in this instance i thought the first spray didn't work and so I took another. I don't know if its because i'm not used to nicotine as a nootropic but man did i get a punch. Felt dizzy and uncomfortable at first but after a while i realized it just made me more aware of my senses. It did make me puke since i was having a stomach ache beforehand but it certainly put me in a higher gear mentally and physically. I am reluctant to use it more then once a week since It might loose its power and not be efficient over time but so far I found out that if I move around a bit while taking it to dilate my blood vessels it has a very good effect. If people would get to choose, I would advise them to choose a very good sleeping schedule over nicotine spray but the combination of those two can be really amazing.

  • AWomansTouchDIYs

    Interesting! So I’ve been educating myself with nootropics for the past year or so on and off, and now I totally all for it! I’m still experimenting to find my sweet spot with the right dosages and the with the right stack – but I can’t believe that nicotine helps make these more potent so to say!! I’ve heard having a coffee and nicotine and some sort of coconut oil will help when taking madafinil too!! Lol
    Now, I smoke, so I’m getting my nicotine already with my “bad habit” and it’s crazy to think that it can help the situation besides what it already does with helping me reduce my stress levels!! I use it’s a stress reliever as I have high anxiety issues… which is why it’s so hard for ME to quit since it’s so unhealthy in other ways Lol ? TFS! ☺️??

  • JV Victor

    I never got addicted to it. I started to take it daily once, 2mg gum, to keep me awake (I was driving a lot) + caffeine. What a combo. Then I quit cold turkey for 2 months. Didn't really feel any withdraw symptoms. Now I'm back on it to upgrade my studying session. Every 3 days.

  • anggapra

    Tried l-theanine + caffeine combo and modafinil. So far nicotine + caffeine combo is the best. I actually feel happy at work and focused instead of being lethargic and dreading

  • Lisa Wanderess

    Thanks for addressing my comments. Was obviously during one of my many, many, many attempts to withdraw from Nicorette Spray that got me searching for other’s experiences with this. Here I am, yet again, 8 years since first using Nicorette, once again trying to withdraw and hating who I become without it. Trust me the “hate comments” was not directed to you, but to the product manufacturers (and to myself for being so addicted). I can’t find any non-sponsored commercial videos about this product, so part of me wondered if you were paid to promote this product and might have deleted any warning comments posted, but obviously not if you’ve included my comment here. Did you know you can’t buy it at all in the USA? Wonder why…

  • Tom

    I never got addicted to nicotine, it's one of those things that I can take or leave. Smoking is disgusting, and vaping is not much better. However I do enjoy a piece of 2mg nicotine gum to fight off a caffeine crash in the middle of the day. Like you said, though there are better things out there, and I strongly discourage using it on a daily basis.

  • I can’t think of a screen name

    I’ve been using the 2mg gum for a week now, keeping 1 piece in my cheek for about 6 hrs and using no more than 2 total pieces a day and the effect on my cognitive function is dramatic. No massive bump in energy, just a calm clarity and like the switch is flipped on for my memory and word recall. My brain fog got so bad I was desperate to find something aside from caffeine to make my brain work, I’ve cut my caffeine intake down from 800 mg spread throughout the day to getting down to 200 some days.

  • D. I.

    I'm using a 21mg nicotine patch along with bupropion for my ADHD and I'd say it's comparable to a 36mg Concerta. I don't really notice when the effect wears off as I use one patch for 1.5 to 2 days and don't really crave for it when I'm not using it. Although, gums were a bit different. I couldn't stop chewing them similarly with ordinary chewing gums and felt my mood going down for a few days after stopping it.

    Maybe that was a bit of an overstatement.

  • James Zhu

    What does nicotine deplete? Like with the racetams, it depletes choline so it makes sense to supplement with alpha gpc for example. But what about nicotine? I heard it kills your vitaminc mainly, not too sure..

  • Hicoteo

    Wow! Thanks for this video. When I was young and in university we only had two nootropics, cafine and nicotine. When pulling all-nighters it was common to make a pot of coffee but it always gave me a headache and the jitters. The other option was to smoke. The best were Indian clove cigarettes; just one or two would keep you alert and focused, without the jitters, all night. I was and am a non-smoker and would use them a few times a year, especially for writing essays, and never became addicted. I've always been curious if there was a legitimate use for nicotine because I found it beneficial at times. I also find it interesting that it may have uses for fighting Alzheimer's and dementia. Thanks for going out on a limb and doing this video.

  • Kiwkiw

    The gum is the best pre workout supplement I've ever had! But aside from the pump the mental clarity is amazing. As a student I can now study for +3hrs none stop and that's a huge improvement comparing to my normal attention span. I also noticed that my speech is way smoother than before and my confidence and motivation are through the roof

  • Vybinn

    Not for me, It give me a lot of anxiety on the coming up and the full effect. Just like psychedelic, I feel like a sort of adrenaline on my body like I'm about to pass out. I have to sit and not be in stand up to stop that. Idk maybe because I was an ex-vaper & ex-smoker

  • pasca11

    It is true, it is addictive, but at the same time nicotine has many benefits like increased attention span, improved memory, increased motivation and even antidepressant qualities.

  • Jonathan Berry

    Hey, so if you check out the documentary "You don't know Nicotine", in short it really isn't addictive. It has been demonized. Smoking is addictive but it's MOAI inhibitors that give the high and that is addictive.

  • Ray Mikota

    Thanks for the clear information I take full responsibility for everything I do to myself. you presented information in a clear pragmatic likable way thanks. thank you so much. great job.

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