
Natural Nootropics for Boosting Cognitive Function in Alzheimer's Dementia


“Nootropic” substances — also sometimes referred to as “smart drugs” — are chemicals, compounds, or other substances alleged to boost cognitive function. This may include enhancing memory as well as mental clarity and focus, among other things.

Since these are among the faculties that those suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease and other forms of cognitive impairment often lack, it is interesting to ask whether nootropics may be of some use in treating dementia.

Indeed, there are a number of things — both natural and synthetic — that seem worth investigation.

In this video, I survey eight (8) candidates in the “natural” category. These include an amino-acid derivative, several botanicals and herbs, one brain chemicals, and an impressive organic food.

(1) St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
(2) Asian Pigeon-Wings (Clitoria ternatea)
(3) Myrobalan (Terminalia chebula)
(4) Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)
(5) Pine-Bark Extract (Pycnogenol®)
(6) Citicoline (C14H27N4O11P2+)
(7) N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC)
(8) Honey, Raw[*]

[*] It is arguable that, under some definitions, “organic honey” is similar enough to “raw honey” as to be interchangeable. I’m no expert, though!

Related content:

“13 Supplements Used as Alternative Alzheimer’s Treatments”:

Basics of the MIND Diet:

“Alzheimer’s Herbs [Part 1]: Ayurvedic Top 10”:

“Alzheimer’s Herbs [Part 2]: 10 Miscellaneous Brain-Health Herbs”:

“Alzheimer’s Herbs [Part 3]” FORTHCOMING

“6 FDA-Approved Prescription Medications for Alzheimer’s”:

Disclaimer: I am not a dietitian, healthcare professional, medical practitioner or researcher, naturopath, nutritionist, or authority of any kind. This presentation is intended for general informational or entertainment purposes only. Nothing herein should be construed as diet, health, medical, or any other sort of advice. If you require personalized evaluations or recommendations, consult a competent expert in your area.

For further reading, please visit:



  • Ben Nguyen

    Any thoughts on Yerba Santa? This California weed is said to have Alzheimer's promise!

    Or thoughts on Methylene blue? Apparently this "Magic bullet" targets mitochondria, and behaves similar to Cytochrome oxidase.. it can absorb red photons and donate electrons to the Electron-Transport-Chain.

    From what I've seen, Cytochrome oxidase is the last enzyme stage of the ECT and is made up of copper/iron, and effectively acts as a capacitor, able to absorb 4 electrons, and once it absorbs oxygen, it can discharge and reduce it to water. It's the ultimate antioxidant enzyme, as it is able to 1) derive energy from oxygen, 2) accept electrons / ROS.

    Apparently, the Cytochrome oxidase gets down-regulated with age, and is responsible for dementia symptoms… it's the rate-limiting factor that determines whether oxygen in the brain can be fully converted to energy/water. As food gets broken down , electrons are donated to the electron-transport-chain, but oxygen doesn't fully reduce to water, leading to extra electrons hanging around. It's these free radical / Reactive Oxygen Species that cause damage to the mitochondria (lipid peroxidation chain).

    Amyloid happens outside the cell, while the tau tangles occur inside neuron cells. Therefore treatments that removes these dead cells, aren't effective in restoring function.

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