
Nootropics For ADHD (Top 3 Nootropics I Recommend For ADHD)

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In this video I discuss what nootropics are and how they can be beneficial to people who have ADHD.

I go over my 3 top nootropics I recommend and what they specifically do in the brain and the research behind using these nootropics for ADHD.

I also go over my personal experience using nootropics for ADHD and also the experience my ADHD patients have using nootropics.


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DISCLAIMER: This content is strictly the opinion of Dr. LeGrand and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. LeGrand nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

#Nootropics #NootropicsforADHD #ADHDTips



  • Javi Solis

    Thank you for this information. I'm 25 and just recently come to the realization or at least the suspicion that i have ADHD. I have suffered with a lot of inattention and executive functions growing up. And since then I just always thought I was dumb because my family would tease me or lash out at me for being forgetful or distracted all the time. Now as an adult, I love learning but struggle to keep focused for medium to short periods of time. And I am recently trying to improve my life by making a career change and I plan to use this information to help get through me train course over the next few months. Thanks so much again and you got a subscribe and like from me, Doc!

  • Xavier Hernandez

    Do you know if you can build up a tolerance to L-Tyrosine, I started 3 days ago and I already need triple the dose to feel anything? I'm thinking I need to return to my stimulant medication but I really don't want to.

  • Rhythm Star

    You mentioned when you stopped talking these things that you noticed a drop in memory/cognitive function etc. Does this means that you can never stop talking them then? So if a student uses the during learning then stops when they start a job.. they pretty much will need to keep taking i


    Hey thank you so much for this video. I’ve recently discovered that I probably have adhd especially add when I’m on my own. Hyperactivity that can be triggered when I’m with others. Anyway, it’s been a bit overwhelming this past year because with having a lot less structure in my life (due to covid) I’ve been more forgetful and struggling to work on my own/ finding motivation. I’m a musician and I struggle to get things done on my own, I always work better with at least another person. But I have so many ideas and so many things to do and even with to a do list and other organizational tips I still can’t get things done properly.
    What nootropics would you recommend to be more focused to work and to help with memory? I have mood swings but this is also because of grieving for the past three years. Now that I feel so much better and stable with the grieving I wanna figure out how to improve my work flow / daily life.
    (The adhd symptoms have been getting worse the past few years when I think about it. I grew up being very structured with extra scholar activities ( dance, singing, piano) and I was doing well at school. Anyway, sorry for such a long comment…. If you have any tips, I would appreciate it! I find it quite overwhelming and don’t know where to start. Thanks a lot x

  • Rise Above

    I got diagnosed at 20 and there was a period where I figured if I invested in myself by improving my lacking brain’s performance then that should allow me to stay consistent with things, actually do and complete things I wish to do and complete, and it was going alright but I don’t think I dived in deep enough because all I was doing was taking L-Theanine alongside my prescribed meds and L-Theanine was cool because it can increase focus whilst really reducing anxiety but it didn’t do enough for my focus and the clarity of my mind so it’s not that I decided to stop taking it but when I ran out of it I didn’t end up ordering more and that wasn’t a conscious decision. But now two years later I know I want to be stinking rich and that a 9-5 won’t get me there so to do so I need to become a productivity machine and after buying a pavlok (a watch which electric shocks you like a shock collar) and barely using it, after eventually managing to write up a schedule and failing to stay consistent, after my six pack submerging, after my gaming and sleep becoming out of my control, after my spending on takeout becoming out of control, and after me watching YouTube seeing so many people making money doing things they enjoy by not even really having to do a lot of work upfront and not being especially gifted or talented I asked myself… Why me? I’m at a mental disadvantage and I’m also at an environmental disadvantage (entitled to beans on toast) so why couldn’t I get to be the one who got to get into some niche which I could easily end up making money from whilst enjoying my time? And then it clicked. Those people got to those places BECAUSE they weren’t at a mental disadvantage, and BECAUSE they were in the type of environment where their parents could just buy them a car once they passed their license. So OF COURSE I wouldn’t be able to be doing what they’re doing because I have both the elements of life working against me. So now I should do what all the YouTube millionaires and famous business owners say and I should INVEST IN MYSELF but oh no, not into Rich Dad Poor Dad or any other self help, investing or educational books… I’m too mentally disadvantaged to use that information even if I learnt it. First I have to invest in MY MIND. CREATE A BRAIN THAT CAN DO THE THINGS. So ultimately find, research ADHD stacks that are working for other ADHD’ers and hope they work similarly for me. Then the initial investment will be fulfilled. Now I thought okay yikes but I could end up having to spend like £70 on fucking supplements each month, and then hoping they work enough for me to make £70 profit the next month in order to cover next month’s stack. SO WAT? I be impulse buying takeout, I be playing on the Xbox for hours, I be paying for subscriptions that I BE BARELY USING. The other day I thought I should really cancel Apple Music bc I barely listen to music on my phone anymore, but I didn’t bc I forgot or just couldn’t execute function. Then just after lunch the next day WHAM a -£9.99 charge from Apple. So all I mean is, spending (a rough estimate) of £70 max on a stack each month isn’t a big deal if you factor in the focus you’ll receive which would allow you to control you actions, your habits etc. I know if £70 allowed me to control my actions with close enough ease to a neurotypical, I wouldn’t be spending money on takeout, unnecessary subscriptions like music or gaming, I’D BE ABLE TO SELL THESE 3 XBOX ONES SITTING INFRONT OF ME THAT I BOUGHT ON THE CHEAP FOR PROFIT AND GET THE MONEYS. And making moneys with my moneys to make more moneys to use that moneys to make more moneys is gravy baby and that’s how I wanna be rolling but if I can’t make the right decision to a higher percentage consistently because of my decisions being based on my dopamine cravings then how am I ever going to break the cycle?… Thank you for listening to my Ted-Talk I hope this did something for you as it’s currently 04:00 for me so I probably won’t get to sleep until about 05:00 because I gotta raging porn addiction bye! #nofapwhereyouat

  • Setsuna Mudou

    I can't find the article anymore, but at one point I was attempting to supplement with L-Tyrosine and read that you need to balance it with 5-HTP but with a particular ratio to be safe (one balancing the other so it doesn't imbalance your brain). So I write it down on my bottles, to take 50mg of 5-HTP for every 500mg of L-Tyrosine. Is there actual science to this or not? I actually stopped taking it because I realized I didn't know what I was doing and didn't want to mess myself up. FYI I have ADHD, Aspergers/Autism, and Anxiety and struggle to focus on a task and finish it to completion without becoming overwhelmed by other thoughts. Sometimes I also have trouble getting into the right headspace just to feel 'right' doing anything, like all distractions must be done first.

  • 1Day Free

    Careful with B6 as can cause toxicity in some people and can damage your nerves possibly permanently… I get numbness and tingling in my feet if I supplement with a b complex due to this….

  • Kody Lee

    B6 ginkgo L tyrosine L theanin St. John’s wort 5htp gaba iron d3. You wouldn’t even know I had a problem, risperdal and delta 8 hemp help as well!

  • Stan Pedro

    I dont know if I'm ADHD or if I'm just lazy, amphetamines work wonders for me if they are done in therapeutic doses. Amphetamines are a hard tool to wield if you suffer from addiction. I need to stimulate like amphetamines with out breaking the law or putting myself in a situation where addiction is a potential outcome.

  • Vagrant Loafer

    I take 30mg mornings and 30mg in the afternoon.. I can go without a prescription f F or 2 months without any withdraw symptoms other than the being all over the place never finishing tasks ..

  • Matty Elemental Sound LA

    I have RLS and I know it’s a dopamine problem in my brain from years of hard drug use and abuse to my brain my question is none of the medication’s work for me just makes it worse the only thing that seems to do anything is Kratom and I want to quit taking it so my question is since L tyrosine basically helps produce neural pathways in your dopamine production area do you think that could possibly help my restless leg problem?

  • Matty Elemental Sound LA

    Also I have been taking L tyrosine and very good omega-3’s and I’ve literally noticed a change in my attitude I have mild depression I have trouble focusing anxiety things like that and I noticed that just that combo alone is really helping me out it’s pretty exciting to be honest

  • Bill A

    Been using L Tyrosine on and off since 1988. I'm 60 now, haven't used it in a while and I just started again last week. WOW! Noticable difference in concentration. Also starting phosphatidyl serine today and multi B's. Thanks for the information. Great job!

  • Judy Anundson

    As a stroke patient, Tyrosine turned my brain back on and gave me a lift to my energy! Depression as one of the side effects and of course brain function takes a really hit with a stroke. Great video!

  • Elvie Tatiana

    I suspected that my daughter have an ADD since the beginning and it just dawned to me, that she really struggled with motivation at school and memory retention. She's 14yrs old now and her inability to focus became worse during the pandemic (due to online classes). Since Phosphatidylserine is not readily available in the Philippines, what else can I paired with Gingko Biloba? Is it safe to take GB with L-Tyrosine and what is the best time to take these, before she goes to sleep Or as soon as she wakes up? To combat her extreme sleepiness in her classes, I microdose her with modafinil (Modvigil) 1/4 of the normal tablet just to get her through the day and of course, at mid-afternoon her energy crashes (I have the same effect too, since I'm taking half tab of Modalert – Modafinil). Please let me know thanks!

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