
How it feels to take a lot of CBD and THC at the same time. Breez Cinnamon Tincture reviewed.

Curious about trying both THC and CBD together? I give Breez’s 1 to 1 tincture spray a try to find out.

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  • Alain Mallette

    The CBD/THC combo works fine with me.
    I presently have a 25 % THC/18% CBD spray bottle and use it in the evening after a hard day's work and my daily workout.
    It relaxes my sore muscles and ageing joints.
    I start with 10 pushes and then doses at about 3-5 pushes each 30-40 minutes for a couple hours.

  • Richard Checkman

    I love Breez mints and sprays. The cinnamon 1:1 is my favorite. I think when looking to take CBD it’s always best (for me at least) to take some THC with it. That’s called the entourage effect. The combo works very well together. Of course THC by itself will get you higher than if you pair it with an equal amount of CBD… But with the CBD it works in a totally different way. I still love to get totally blissed out stoned with just THC. When using THC with CBD it’s just a different route to a different sort of blissed out stoned feeling. It’s like anything else. All the different cannabinoids do many different things.. In the past few months I have been adding a little hemp flower that’s high in CBG (cannabigerol) to most every bowl of cannabis I vape. CBG helps with inflammation as well as with anxiety, pain, etc. I’ve also started using CBN (cannabinol) at night to help with insomnia. You can buy CBN or “develope” it yourself by taking any strain of cannabis that’s got a good amount of THC in it and letting it sit out in the open air for a week or so and let it get a bit dry and old… The THC then turns into CBN… And it sometimes works better than sleeping pills without any hangover. The usages for cannabis are only going to continue to grow and be understood better when Federal regulations are relaxed and true research can be done. Cannabis is such a magical plant. My guess is in a hundred years or so it’ll probably cure most diseases to a certain extent…. and yet it’s still the greatest thing to do just to get baked, twisted and listen to Dark Side of the Moon or whatever you choose to trip out to. Anyway… I’m rambling. Love your videos, Weeats. Thanks for your work. Peace!!!

  • Larry David

    The Psychoactive part is the best bit of the whole experience for me. I'm nowhere near as cerebral as you are though. I like to listen to music, watch good movies, look at porn and cuddle my wife amorously. I used to do a shit tonne of X back in my youth. Doing that is not feasible for me now but good edibles seem to have certain similar characteristics but without most of the drawbacks.

  • Furr Bear

    I love the Breez products I've tried. The Regular Mint THC is 200 5mg sprays, the Royal Mint (peppermint with a touch of vanilla) is 100 10mg sprays. Use those under the tongue and they hit almost as fast as a vape pen. The Breez tablets are awesome too. Just a very satisfied customer, since their products are so effective at such a reasonable price.

    I understand that one of the reasons they use peppermint or cinnamon is that they're vasodilators and they are believed to enhance absorption.

  • Flip

    Interesting, so perhaps CBD is best paired with a Indica? I’m mostly a Sativa guy. It really gets me amped up and motivated, so not a time I’m looking to feel relaxed. I have always wanted to just buy a shitload of CBD and try that by itself to wind down. I don’t like Indica that much because it makes me think about sad shit. Like, I start worrying about family dying and shit. Would you say it’s worth it to try just CBD to relax? I’d just go for it but you know how it is. You get in there and you want to get what you know will work. Hard to commit to trying something you think might not be as good.

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