
The Stamets Stack and a Better Psilocybin Microdosing Protocol? #Nootropics

The Stamets Stack and a Better Microdosing Protocol? // In this highly anticipated video, we will be discussing the Stamets Stack and the Stamets Protocol. The Stamets Stack is a microdosing formula created by renowned mycologist Paul Stamets (patent-pending). “The Stamets Protocol” is a protocol of 4 days on, 3 day off… intended for enhanced neurogenesis. Perhaps a better protocol for those looking to microdose for mental health.

0:00 – The best-known microdosing protocol vs the one you’ll be hearing about today
1:23 – Who is Paul Stamets?
2:46 – Benefits of lion’s mane mushrooms for microdosing
3:26 – Benefits of niacin (Vitamin B3) for microdosing
5:15 – Fadiman vs Stamets: which microdosing protocol is better for mental health?

? Microdosing for Mental Health: A Proposed Course ?

►Paul Stamets – Psilocybin Mushrooms & The Mycology of Consciousness:
►The Joe Rogan Experience #1035 ft. Paul Stamets:
►The Joe Rogan Experience #1385 ft. Paul Stamets:
►Study on lion’s mane mushrooms:

Books/Movies Mentioned:
►The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide:
►Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World:
►Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms:
►Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World:
►Fantastic Fungi (2019 film):

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Disclaimer: This video was made for informational purposes only. Please vet the research I’ve cited. I am not a medical professional nor a psychedelic researcher.
Disclaimer2: Any Amazon links you see here are affiliate links. The use of affiliate links does not affect the integrity of my work.



  • Mel Ristau

    Is there a significant downside of every other day?
    Regarding Niacin, added .1 gram and had a severe allergic reaction. Whole beet red body rash. (Known reaction for those sensitive to Niacin.) After 2 Benadryl all OK.

  • being

    Kinda worried about reading this about Niacin: “High doses of niacin have been associated with liver damage, gastrointestinal problems, glucose intolerance, low blood pressure, heart rhythm changes and other health issues."
    Any thoughts?

  • Joanne Angove

    I do desperately want to try this with my husband but I’m getting nowhere with finding powdered psilocybin in the UK. I want to be safe and find a reliable source. Pretty sure it’s easier to buy benzos.

  • Heather Beans

    I just recently tried 5 days on. I'm kind of a newbie bc I only started the Fadiman protocol in Nov. '21. At first the Stamet protocol (began last week- Valentine's Day) was going well. The first 2 days I didn't notice any flushing effect from the niacin..I was only taking 125mg of lion's mane. When I tried 250mg of LM I felt the flushing was tolerable. Later on in the morning I have a smoothie and put more lion's mane- 2g's. Problem arose on the 5th day where I became dizzy, nauseous and felt like I was going to pass out. I broke out into a sweat, then a chill and slept for a couple of hours. I'm wondering if it was just too much for my body to handle? or…was it the Vitamin D3 I took shortly after the B3?.. I'm interested to know if anyone else has experienced this? And, if VitB3 and D3 shouldn't be taken together?

  • Liam Kelly

    im gonna be doing this and adding cordyceps also i will be taking 5 defenders at night reishi mai take shi take couple others ill report back if anyone wants to know in a month. also allway .5 or more on the psilocybin

  • Jane Petree

    I completed a Microdosing course with a large company in this arena and, although I learned a lot, the amount of thought, detail and love that you put into your videos eclipses the course I took. I have no doubt, Julianne, that your course will be Incredible and Transformational for those that take it. xoxo

  • SeanSean Sean

    I started md about 3 months ago. I suffered sine brain damage from benzos and it left me destroyed. Md 70-100 mg daily helped me do much but I rarely take a day off. I need to take more time off I guess but it’s helped the anxiety issues so much that I hate not taking it.

  • Kelvin Appelgren

    I have referenced this video a few times and appreciated the candid & rational perspective. Thanks for the info, it has been very helpful. I have been micro-dosing on & off for some time, as well as helping others with capsules. The SS protocol is definitely working at a much enhanced level from an energy and mental alertness level. ??

  • Poppy

    I have exhausted all resources trying to find magic mushrooms to help my daughter with her, almost debilitating, anxiety. That said, I am an at-home-mom and don't have many resources in this arena to begin with~ LOL. I almost got scammed on Facebook by a Nigerian Prince yesterday. Thank god PayPal has great security. Julianne's videos are so encouraging, yet very discouraging. I don't live in Canada and can't have mushrooms delivered to my front door from a dispensary there that takes online orders, though not legal. It was recommended that I grow them myself but because of my husband's job, this is not feasible. The comments make it seem like mushrooms are so easy to acquire. Am I missing something?!

  • Sarah Kay

    1st of all thank you SO much for your content on this topic, it’s important and I appreciate how concise and honest you are!! ??I often think about commenting on your videos but It’s difficult to streamline/limit my thoughts?… so I want to contribute some nutritional wisdom: I personally find it helpful to eat niacin (vit B3) rich Foods ???along with my microdose, as well as my whole food vitamin which already includes many other mushrooms! ? I use the 5 days on, 2 days off protocol when I need some extra support, @ 0.1-0.2 which I grind up & put in capsule, filled the rest of the way with lions mane powder, & I take one additional 500mg ???! (I truly hope that helps somebody!?)

  • Avery Skee

    is there a difference between regular and “non-flushing” niacin ? I want to add niacin to my stack and I don’t know if the “non-flushing” will compromise certain benefits or not.

  • Albert Stiver

    Can you do this with chronic dissociation or depersonalization as it’s called? I don’t see why it wouldn’t as long as I’m not doing high doses. It is just a defense mechanism. I did try golden teacher microdose but it didn’t clear up the dissociation. Please let me know

  • David Rona

    Love your vids . thanks for doing them :). I just got Niacin with lions mane and in addition to micro-dosing for depression, and neuropathy, I have a huge exam coming up in July and – I'm starting ' the stack ' today – that said – Also , I dosed during my 1st week of a new job and got rave performance reviews for my ability to comprehend large amounts of information, not to mention my attitude at the new job was that of gratitude and compassion for others. If I didn't stumble on your vids after someone gifted me with psilocybin – I would have heard of ' the stack ' or Waking Up. So Grateful for you…blessed journeys

  • Mr.Ch4rli3_

    Lmfao, I used to microdose all the time, would brew a big thermos of psilocybin Cubensis mushroom tea every morning and sip at throughout the day when I was working out in the Orchards

  • John Schreiner

    Coming across this women's channel is why I followed through with microdosing . I'm one week in, today's My first day incorporating niacin. Holy.. it's intense. I wish Juli was still around on here it would he great to talk to her

  • C.R.E.A.M.

    guys don't forget this is a hypothetical stack postulated by a non medical professional who has published no scholarly works on the subject. Niacin is liver toxic ans I have heard people say LM actually CAUSES nerve pain

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