
Long Term Effects of Delta 8 THC!

I used over a gram of delta 8 THC(or some other variant) distillate every day, for a whole year. What are the long term benefits and drawbacks of THC variants. During this year i have used D8, D10, THC-O, HHC, THC-P, and HHC-P.
*just in case anyone wants to pitch in for the Go Pro Hero 10 creator edition…….



  • Philly D

    I can really relate to everything you said. I used to put away a case of beer a day too and have tried all kinds of alternatives since I quit drinking. The part about needing to feel different is so true, don't know why that is. Thanks for sharing your story.

  • Michael Willhauck

    Really enjoyed listening you're a smart guy. I'm 23 and in recovery from opiate addiction now and I totally get when you were saying about some of us just are not comfortable being "normal" or being sober Is what I mean and it's boggled my mind as well. Subscribed Im sure you will grow good videos man


    I Love The Realistic Mentality Of “ Addition by Subtraction “.
    That’s right sir u know what you are talking about! 🙂 it’s true that’s
    Exactly what the change is , it’s like a placebo effect . Pretty accurate that being normal seems to be the last thing anyone wants to be haha. I’m happy for you that you’ve quit drinking and are in better health! Congratulations and you are awesome ! I love how grounded and humble you are that’s cool af! ?

  • Freeman Man

    Delta 8 saved my life. Without being able to buy it over the counter I was left with dealing with pill pushers on the streets for my weed. As an addict to Vicodin Xanax and Soma that was a detrimental situation for me, and it is for many others like me. Especially with fentanyl on the streets that is being substituted for most pills these days… I know Delta 8 saved my life

  • Gilbert

    Damn… sounds like a story I can relate to (except for the smoking part). Thanks for sharing some of your personal experience. Made me think about how I try and handle some of my fraustrations.. I am also a husband and father of 2 young ones. Great video. I would really like to try tinctures and gummies and drop of this damn daily drinking. I will stay tuned to your channel. ??

  • Sharlene’s Journey

    I love Delta 8 its Good after long day of work and its good for those of us who dont want to pay expensive amount of money for delta 9, its like deltas 9 baby brother lol and yeah I hate talking about delta 8 to those people that mainly smoke delta 9 and dont know anything about delta 8. It’s definitely God sent love how you mentioned God helps us in many different ways !!! It’s helping me with my trauma, PTSD anxiety and body aches

  • Tyler Hunt

    I just love it how people think that weed is good for them and it's OK I'm a recovering drug and alcohol addict and I've been a Drug and alcohol therapist for 14 years and let me tell you weed is extremely bad for you and let me gess your going to say it's natural and shit you know what else is natural opium so just because it's natural doesn't mean jack shit Marijuana highjacks the receptors in the brain causing you dopamine to work 650 times faster then normal your dopamine receptors are only supposed to be at a 50 so it severely effects your brain negatively and it causes severe mental decline such as depression and mood disorder because it's a fricken Drug that's not supposed to be used but I just love it how people think doing drugs is ok why do you have to be fricken high all the time like what is so bad about life all your doing is masking yourself. And another thing stop saying that weed ISNT a gateway drug because that's the dumbest shit I've ever heard of you just don't want to accept the fact that it is. And for all the people who have some BUllshit reasons why they smoke weed all they are are EXCUSES to get high 90% of people who smoke weed have no medical problems at ALL.

  • BoomProductions

    Cycling through your old video brother and I found this. Hit me hard when you said "some of us just need to feel altered in our mind for some reason".Was battling with a weed addiction for 7 years. Now, it's been 17 days clean from the regular stuff. No bud, wax, edibles, no Delta 9! However, Delta 8 is what we all wanted CBD to be. This has been a true miracle, never felt the urge to pick up another blunt again so far ! ? Your awesome at telling life stories/experiences man, keep them coming!

  • AJ Buddha

    Delta 8 & Kratom are some of the only things that help me live a somewhat “normal” life but still in regards to normal people/ non-addicts I would really recommend staying away from any drug unless you really need it. You gotta weigh the benefits n consequences of the short term & long term effects. I’m at the point where I’m forcing myself to have a low tolerance even if I don’t feel that euphoric all day, I would rather not get as high so I dont have to experience as low of lows if that makes sense. Drugs seem like a lot of fun until you experience having extreme damage to mental n physical health. My case was so severe that most people don’t survive like I did, almost everyone gets ruined by the cycle but I was able to escape so now I’m here to spread my story n hopefully educate people that life is about more than just altering your state of consciousness

  • 777kingofkings777

    Congratulations man. I fought heroin and alcoholism for years and it took me 50 attempts or more to get clean. I finally have 3 years under my belt. I smoke weed and d lta 8 but I will say it is far less harmful than anything dope and alcohol made me do.

  • Farydoon Mohammady

    I have used D8, D10, HHC, HHC-o for three months and then I quit and it has been 4.5 weeks. What I come to understand in comparison of dispensery weed, it take 10 times longer for the withdraw symptoms to go away. And I regret using those. Try to quit you will see its way harder and more painful to quit than normal dispensery weed.

  • D4Gamerz

    As someone looking to try this for myself for various problems I've been struggling with for over decade it's very helpful and much appreciated that you decided to share your story and experience. Thank you!

  • Mike66atx

    I started smoking delta 8 after 14.5 years totally sober. It was great at first. Having an addictive personality, it was so easy to just keep taking monster hits off the vape pens. Started doing the wax and tinctures, along with delta 9. Curious how sometimes I'd get after taste of pinesol. Started getting hyper emesis syndrome, and quit everything cold turkey. HORRIBLE detox. Took 5-6 weeks before I could sleep half normally. Was really irritable. Like I said I was smoking regular bud as well. Worst detox from. Thc ever. 9 months clean in a few days. Gotten off all antidepressants (slowly w doctors help) Prozac and welbutrin. Started intermittent fasting. Trauma has resurfaced pretty heavily. Maybe delta 8 w/o 9 or antidepressants might work. Not sure. Some people just can't take anything. Meditation, working out, therapy helps. Don't want to get back on antidepressants.

  • corey fisher

    Delta eight has helped me tremendously with anger. I’m very grateful I didn’t have to go on psychotropic meds. I was driving everybody crazy, even though I’ve been sober for 15 years. After about a year and a half taking D8 tinctures I feel better than ever. Once I found the right dose I just stuck with it and I’m all good.

  • Gabriel

    I wanted to like delta. I gave it a bunch of tries but it gave me horrible trips that lasted hours. I mean 17 hours and I counted each hour praying to God to just let it pass. I guess my brain just can't handle it. I'm sad but it is what it is.

  • Malik Young

    Thank you so much for this video. I have been smoking for years the real Marijuana and also th delta 8. I know I must let go and have balance in my life and be comfortable with my uniqueness

  • -G- LocK

    hey bud im on sublocade i have been for 7 years man i heard u say kratom im still waiting on a kratom vape —lol STAY STRONG MAN ~! if u ever need to talk message me man i have 11 years clean from pills…..

  • CJ Slippin

    I like how this video seems super casual and unprepared,But also completely flows and articulates very well the information your trying to get across! Very impressive

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