
Testicles and Caviar for TESTOSTERONE AND OMEGA 3


Grass Fed Meats

High Quality Foods

Vitamin, Mineral, and Glandular Supplements

Protect yourself from WiFi

Natural Hygiene Products

00:00 – Testosterone and Omega 3
00:54 – Preparing the testicles
02:15 – Everything I am taking
03:07 – Swallowing balls raw
03:47 – Some much smaller balls
04:42 – Mastic gum
05:08 – You should feel good
05:44 – Low testosterone
06:06 – Thanks for joining



  • Henry. G.

    Frankie, would this be considered exogenous testosterone? I've held off due to that reason, not wanting to hamper my body's own testosterone production.

  • Mike Scarborough

    Hi Frank, I believe I have injured my kidneys slightly. My right one as well as my right leg will sometimes go a tad numb. I know what these signs could mean. Some stage of diabetes.
    I'm not afraid because i believe I can reverse it. I was a very foolish and hasty young person and have swallowed everything from m1-t's (crystal meth quality steroid) to having a long stint with being addicted to t-1's. I DID go to my dr and all he did was push on my liver and asked me if it hurt. I said no and that was that. The guy, as nice as he is completely ignored my kidneys. I've come to believe he didn't bring up the kidney topic because most dr's are under the impression that kidneys disease will only and ever get worse and diabetes can't be reversed. I'm no dr (better for it frankly) but I don't believe that anymore. I literally believe that we can heal everything from cancer to cavities but just can't get to the right info and the right nutrition. So, on top of all the former abuses I sustained I finally thought it might not be a terrible idea to start eating better and maybe take some vitamins. Well, that was a bit much it turns out because I drove myself into a hypervitaminosis d or a type situation. (this is all self diagnosed btw) I was taking synthetic d3 with k2 and b-12 and c and took lots of different spices and herbs as well, like c-cinnamon, ginger, tumeric, etc. But now i'm learning all those might not be actually helpful. To wrap this up, I eat about 4 pastured eggs everyday now, grass fed/finished beef etc. I buy from farmers. I have tallow and ghee which are both in their purest forms. My water is RO for the most part other than the occasional gulp or two of distilled water for different purposes. I eat apples, a little rice, and a few other things with it. I bough some cauliflower per your suggestion as a decent fiber source. Mushrooms, avocado, etc.

    SO my question is, do you think can I fix this without medical help? You're about the only guy I feel like I want to hear out now. Because honestly man, the medicine world isn't very helpful. And many of the so called nutrition experts aren't either. I'm 6'4 and my weight last time I checked two days ago was at like 201 from 220. One good thing is that I've noticed in the last week in dropping my added sugars and most complex carbs and using healthy fats with higher nutrient profiles my kidney doesn't really feel too bad now and my leg doesn't get as numb. This at least seems like a good sign. Oh, I also work out. (hard) Similar to you actually. Very unorthodox and I love it. I feel very strong. I think I just need to stay this course and take it slow. I think what we can tend to do is get scared and become desperate and then almost everything sounds potentially good. And that's a bit of a scary place to be because what if you get worse or even die trying the wrong thing? You know? Alright man, I'm really enjoying your content and I appreciate your openness. Please don't ever waver on that. It's practically as important as the diet itself. Last thing …..I'm going to make my kids those french fries you made, but with my tallow. I'm sure it's going to be awesome!

  • H- Dizz

    I ordered two pounds of testicles and caviar from you today. Just curious, I live in Texas will it be shipped / refrigerated? How will it stay fresh?

  • Destination Travel

    Clean sea water is a fantastic 'multi vitamin'. Sea water basically has the entire periodic table in it, so drinking 5ml a few times a week is great. Himalayan rock salt is fantastic as it has no micro plastics.

  • SupremeBeever

    I wonder if eating conventionally raised goat testicles would be much worse? In my country our cattle isn't raised particularly well and so we don't have great meat quality. But testicles don't strike me as an organ that will be much affected from how the animal is raised. I would think they still have the same amounts of testosterone. But I don't know. Any thoughts on that?

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