
Do Nootropics Make You Smarter?

#shorts #biohacking #nootropics

Nootropics or smart drugs are compounds or supplements that enhance cognitive performance & can be derived from either natural, or synthetic substances. They’re used to enhance memory, focus, & other cognitive functions. But, can they actually make you smarter?

You will have seen everyone from Dave Asprey, Joe Rogan, to Ben Greenfield pushing their own brands.

This is where we need to understand what intelligence actually is. Intelligence isn’t a predetermined trait. It’s a changeable, flexible ability to learn & stimulate your brain that can improve over time. There are two types, crystallized intelligence, which is your vocabulary, knowledge & skills. And, fluid intelligence, which is fluid reasoning, & your ability to reason & think abstractly.

The bottomline is, a pill cannot divulge wisdom or make everyone capable of brilliance, but they can tune up your machinery especially if you’re experiencing nutritional deficiencies, which many of us are due to stress & lifestyle. Think of nootropics like a lens wipe that clears away debris & smudges that prevent you from seeing.

When you see clearly, you can make faster, more concise decisions, you can increase speed, learning, memory, & efficiency because your sight is clear. You can focus for longer because roadblocks like slow brain function, & brain fog have been cleared from the road.

I’ve taken nootropics for the past 5 years. And, in the last 3 years, I’ve written 3 books, totalling over 250,000 words, and went from broke to doing over $2.3 million dollars in sales. That was only possible because I cleared the bloatware in the background of my brain, & focused on improving my cognitive performance after experiencing severe depression. Nootropics were a key step in several I took that didn’t just change my life, it saved it.

Bottomline, nootropics help you to unlock your capacity to achieve, but you need to understand what to look for & be aware of first. Download your free guide below so you understand the 4 things you need to know before you take them.


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