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    Alternating dopaminergic nootropics and cholinergic nootropics

    The Racetam God Guide (digital downloadable guide with 80 + racetam stacks, breaking down each racetam in detail): https://www.livecortex.com/product/the-racetam-god-guide-nootropics-book/ Smarter Better Faster: (digital downloadable, full on encompassing nootropics guide that explains using nootropics surgically + powerful stacks): https://www.livecortex.com/product/smarter-better-faster-nootropics-book/ The Cortex nootropic stack: https://www.livecortex.com/cortex-generation1-nootropic/ Nootropic stack optimization/consult: https://www.livecortex.com/brain-performance-consulting-for-entrepreneursexecutives/ In this video we explain the necessity to switch between cholinergic and dopaminergic compounds, to get the best utility out of nootropics. Because look… cycling is necessary, tolerance is real, and nootropics CAN come with side effects if you use them the wrong way. Sometimes, you want to take entire 4 week cycles completely off of nootropics. And to really get the best…