
CBD Oil Review for Anxiety & Stress




Here is my CBD(cannabidiol) review for stress and anxiety update video. I have dealt with a lot of mental stress and anxiety in my life and I believe the natural world has a lot to offer us in the way of getting over trauma and stress. Anxiety and other forms of mental stress can be very hard and limiting so please share this with others that could use a little help and support! Thank you!

Hi guys! Andrew here, with “you’re worth more”. Remember you’re worth more than the traditional systems that have been put in place to hold you back from being as healthy, as happy and as free as you can be. Today I want to do a little 2.0, a little update video on my CBD Oil adventure; what I’ve learned, some products I’m enjoying currently, and at the end of this video, I want to do a free CBD Oil giveaway. So, I have a questions for you guys: did you know that we have an endocannabinoids system? We have these receptors all over our body that are… in fact very important, maybe even vital in the process of getting over and past drama and stress in our lives. So this cannabinoids are maybe one of the… maybe one of the most important things we can have in our diet, to help us get through this kind of stuff, and that’s just really… it’s really not a well-known thing, and it’s not something as shared in any classroom that I’ve ever been in, so I wanted to share that with you guys. Also I wanted to share that… you know, no matter how bad you feel, how crappy or how stuck you are right now, I’ve been in… I’ve been in some really dark places, so I wanted to share that, anything that I can do, anything I can share, any info, any product, anything I can do to help you get through that, or pass that faster than you normally would, it’s really near and dear in my heart. Nothing could make me happier than creating a business around helping people get through that kind of stuff, because I’ve been through it and it can be really, really challenging. So, a couple of products I wanted to share with you guys; first is CBD oil update. This is a product from bluebird botanicals, and it’s called brain power CBD blend. It’s got MCT oil in it. It’s got a couple of great plant [Inaudible 02:23] antioxidant in it, and one of the things that really caught my eye about bluebird was that under the place where it says “other ingredients” where normal companies… normally companies put out the fillers and all that crap in there, on this product it says under added ingredients it says none. So they’ve taken the time to make sure every ingredient in their product is useful and active, and I think that says a lot about the company. Secondly, it supports mental clarity and focus, and it helps the mind and body manage stress”. So, I think what these products have done for me is help me see pass the pile of crap, the pile of negativity that the more we end up looking at, it just gets bigger, and bigger. So, you know, when you can see pass that, I think you can see opportunity, you can see passion, and you can see what’s real in life, and I think that’s… you know, that’s what vital to you know, as being happy. So, I think these products together are a couple of the best tools that you can… you know, natural tools you can possibly take, and a little more about Univera: their owner, their owner doesn’t take any profit from this company. He runs it… he runs it just to help people. His father had this amazing recovery from using natural botanicals, so now currently they have the world’s largest medicinal plant library, and some of the world’s best technologies to test those plants. So when a company takes profit out of the equation, it says a lot about their intents, and what they’re really here for, and these 2 companies I think they’re really here to spread passion and help people. So what I want to do today, is if you are interested in it, if you think this is the right path for you and some things you want to try, if you buy this product from me, I’m going to give you a free bottle of this CBD oil, and this product, this company they give a 90 days guarantee on everything, on all of their products. So you have a 90 day guarantee in here, and this is free. So, not a lot of risk, a lot of upside and my website is in description below, but just make sure if you think this is right for you, and you want to try it, make sure and message me on my website, so that I know where to send the free bottle of CBD oil. Like I said, this is my passion, this is my love, and I thank you all for watching, and remember: You are worth more. Thanks guys, talk to you soon. Hopefully we can get through these challenges together. I appreciate you. Bye.



  • Adam Christopher Starr

    I just bought some cbd oil this morning. I'm waiting on it in the mail. I have bipolar 2 depression and anxiety. The meds are up and down and I've developed a marijuana addiction and it doesn't help like it used too and I really want to stop. A pharmacist referred me to this product, so I'm really hoping it works. I went to PlusCBD OIL and bought the "gold" applicator. Says its concentrate and very powerful. My mom also suffers from Lupus, so again, I'm hoping it'll help us both.

  • Cary Bruce JR

    I am very interested. Have never used any type of oil before. Have just been a traditional cannabis user.
    I have one of the most painful conditions known. It is called CRPS Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and it extremely painful. In addition I have had 2 major back surgeries but the last one did not go very well and I am left with a great deal of pain from pinched nerve and nerve damage in my back and the CRPS affects both my left (worse) and right feet. I am permanently disabled….Have very little relief from my current pain medicine. I take 6-30mg oxycodone each day and 3-4mg dilaudid each day. They barely take the edge off. I have also have much anxiety and depression issues.
    I will send you a PM because I have a question I am not sure you want asked here…..Thanks and God bless.

  • Lee Gilholm

    bro I just stumbled on this cbd in my local vape shop it sounds great I'm going to get some tomorrow I'm sick of diazipam and sleeping tablets I have suffered mild depression all my life comes and goes if I smoke weed I get paranoid so I stopped that hope everything is good for you now fingers crossed this is just the thing for me Al let you know how I get on love from the UK all the best


    I was just put on Zoloft 50mg and I truly don't wanna take meds. I don't just wanna shutdown the psychiatrist. But I just wanna know if I should take that route or this CBD route I hear so much about as well.

  • walid hoyek

    you are a sweet person, thank u very much for your video and beautiful heart, i had serious nervous breakdown, i am rebuilding my life again and would use all that there is to regain what i have lost, i am new to vaping and headed about the obd few days ago, i don't even know how to use this oil, do u smoke it, put it in a aromatic defuser ! i hope to hear back from you maybe u can put me on the right track too, thx in advance, God bless.

  • Michael Ankhz

    When I was younger I had bad social anxiety and throughout highschool I did to, up to the point I graduated highschool I went to college and anxiety ended up making me fail my first year and then I thought nothing of it and now ive got a great job and a great relationship in which now im married, the only thing is small things ive noticed throughout our relationship that I shouldn't have been worrying about things like cheating, manipulation and much more that were not happening because I was scared of losing her because she is wonderful so I have came to the truth and realized I have General Anxiety Disorder, not yet diagnosed because I don't trust doctors, im going to try CBD very soon from a shop near me hoping this GAD goes away.

  • Eric Stump

    I'm trying cbd for my first time here in a few days. I suffer from ptsd, anxiety and bipolar depression. been smokin weed for awhile hoping that would help. tie in the fact that it's expensive and not easily accessible where I live adds to the stress even more. I really hope this cbd helps. I got 18% and got 4 grams of it in oil form. praying it helps. I dont wanna smoke herb anymore either, but afraid I've gotten dependent on it now and if I don't ha e any, I het really irritable, so I guess I hope it helps in that area too. peace brotha

  • Rachelle Marie

    i just came here looking for a review but, man, your words really hit home. I have PTSD, mdd, and anxiety. I haven't taken antidepressants or benzodiazipines since 2013. I'm a stay at home mom. I take care of my household but spend most of my free time laying in bed or on the couch. I'm sick of feeling boxed in without an option to feel better. I've tried exercise, meditation, hobbies… Anxiety kinda follows me everywhere, no matter what. My dad actually has a farm out in CO and has been trying to tell me cbd oil will help my perpetual state of anxiousness. I just want to know that I'm buying from a reputable company and I think I'm kinda terrified of how let down I'll be if it doesn't help. I just want some relief.

    Anyhow, I rarely comment online but I just wanted to say thank you for shining your light so brightly and maybe I needed to vent a little. The world needs more authentic, kind individuals such as yourself.

    just pressing send is gonna give me about an hours worth of worrying. lol. have a great day.

  • Baby chellz Idk

    i wanted to know where can i get these products and if it is still working and will it be able to get me out of my house i have suffering with Anxiety for 6 years to no avail i am afraid to take any medication because they will mess you up worst and who wants to go through that so i am look for a better ultarnitave

  • Roberta Jones

    Andrew! You are incredible! I'm so impressed with your kindness and generosity, not to mention how passionate you are about helping people.
    Is but the X-tra <spelling) in a heart beat if I could.

  • Adam Ross

    I just ordered some cbd oil and I can't wait to try it. I was pushed from doctor to doctor since I was little trying to find some sort of mental balance. Thanks for the encouragement!

  • Abby Love

    I had a very bad attack thinking I was gonna lose my touch reality, or if I'm gonna forget where I am. Idk it was so scary! Anyways. I bought hempworx oil. Have you heard of it? I feel blah, like sickish.

  • amie a

    What works for stomach pain/upset? Charlottes web doesnt seem to help my stomach lately. I have always had high anxiety that has caused health problems along with rather bad depression.

  • Jane Doe

    Univera products: lots of preservatives, maltodextrin, artificial sweeteners. Product of South Korea. I wouldn't touch this product. However Bluebird CBD oils, I use that, good pure product. Have to wonder the real reason Univera products being pushed here.

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