
ENHANCIFY Financing: Sell Roofs like Alexander the Great from Indianapolis!

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  • Randy Hurtado

    Many contractors don’t use financing because of the financing solutions available out there. Companies like green sky offer ridiculous financing percentages and that turns off the company from wanting to offer it. I have not had any experience with this particular finance company and we have partnered with a local bank in our community so that we have brand recognition but we have been very successful in the financing side of our businesses

  • Allabaugh Construction LLC

    What type of dealer fee are there?I use sunlight financial and I was aware of their dealer fees or counter offers but I didn't want to pay dealer fees, why should I pay for someones bad credit? We send them a pre Qual they don't qualify and right away they get a counter offer all done through email the customer signs up and I end up pay 1,200 Dollar dealer fee not fair to me.I brought this to their attention and they say its set up to be used in person more than through email and I can't get my money back. So now I had them just turn their counter offers off completely but almost no ever gets approved now unless they have amazing credit.The salesman also told me oh we went over all of this in our Training I disagree or if they did they just zoomed right through it and didn't spend enough time on it. It seemed like preditory lending on their part.

  • Dan Houston

    I joined in Enhacify after hearing you talk about it a couple of months ago, and then I think hearth called me and said that the CEO and founder of enhancify just got hired by them,

    the person at enhancify before I signed up said it was total bs, so who really knows.
    but what I will say is if it's true,

    it's typical of a startup company who will be awesome and capture a lot of the market then later on they get bought out by a bigger competitor and their service turns into crap later on.

    similar to Facebook buying companies and dissolving them or making their business models suck after they purchase them. Main point, hopefully a enhancify doesn't turn into crap if their founder and CEO really went to go work at hearth.

    Again could be a total BS that somebody at hearth told me.

  • Stefano Triviño Boero

    hello Dmitri, I know that what I am going to say does not have much to do with the video, but I was thinking that maybe it would be a good idea that you could show success stories of subcontractors.I don't know maybe some subcontractor that has 10 work groups that are constantly working or someone that has specialized with builders and that has the ability to build all the roofs of that neighborhood under construction. you know things like that

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