
VSL Copy and Production – Get a new VSL written by Mark Pescetti and produced by Zachary Snyder

[Get your VSL written by the guy who’s had multiple 9-figure winners… and produced by direct response’s top up-and-coming producer.]

I met Zach on Clubhouse – back in those early days when it was actually fun.

It was a pitch room I helped run with a few other entrepreneurs.

We’d get a couple hundred people in our room, with dozens on stage to “shoot their stuff.”

Zach was one of those brave people to pitch his video editing and production skills.

He slid into my Instagram DMs, went back and forth, until eventually, I got him his first direct response gig.

The dude killed it.

You’d think Zach’s been doing this for 10 years.

He’s that good.

Most of you know me, and I rarely put myself out there like this anymore.

But I can’t lie…

I’m excited.

When a VSL producer GETS how to storyboard the on-screen visuals in a way that elevates the emotion in my copy, I want to turn that talent into profits…

And make YOU richer.


Do you have an offer you want to bring alive with copy and production that gently puts a stranglehold on your competition?

Wanna test a 2 minute VSL versus a 10 minute version?

Or a 30 minute VSL versus a 5 minute version?

How about multiple leads to test against?

Let me tell you something you already know:

Direct response is all about optimizing…

Face/voice… positioning… mechanism… new cause… the hook… offer-framing… and getting the most people to raise their hands and say, “Yup, that’s me!”

I’ve done 8 and 9 figures in:








And pretty much everything else.

Hit us up to talk about your launch or funnel-refresh.

We’re scheduling just 3 spots for now…

So hit me up.



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