• ironglaciers

    How does it save the planet to buy more synthetic products, vegan guy? ? lololol. Not to mention all the agricultural farming… I'm the daughter of a farmer and I do not think most people have any idea whatsoever what goes into just getting a bushel of soybeans or corn, between the diesel fuel, machinery, pesticides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizer, runoff, tilling or partial tilling, having to rotate so you don't totally drain the soul's nutrients, pumping water to irrigate when it doesn't rain, harvest costs, plant waste (as you are only harvesting the seeds), monoculture ecosystems, transport of seeds, processing of said seeds into oils or biofuel, etc. I could go on.

  • xenot BBBeats

    I'm still using up the ones I bought before going carnivore. I'm so sick of swallowing a handful of money every morning. I think I'm going to just stop right now. I spent so much money on them so I feel obligated to take them. I think I'll take them out of my daily sorter and put them back in those bottles. If I can quit coffee, I can stop choking on this expensive crap too. I don't take as much as him, but I do think I'll stay on the organic Beef Liver pills because no one can make me like liver.?

  • David R

    Eating is a full time job for this kid. And I'll bet a lot of these YouTube vegans are closet meat eaters. When their health fails they need the meat or eggs and their persona is based on veganism so they don't dare tell anyone.

  • J RB

    Look at any physique/bodybuilding athlete. All of them are taking loads of supplements when they are cutting for a show. FYI most of them are not vegan.

  • Chadd

    Lol people in these comments pretending regular bodybuilders don’t take a laundry list of supplements too is hilarious. Pretty sure regular vegans haven’t even heard of 80% of these supplements

  • Ben Steele

    A diet is not healthy if it requires non-food sources of essential and conditionally essential nutrients. But if one is getting all of one's necessary nutrition from supplements, then why eat food at all and instead become a breatharian?

  • favour

    Never lose hope if you are suffering from HPV, Genital warts herpes hiv ALS Cancer. you don't have to be worried They can be cure forever without coming back. with the best remedies from doctor ebedia on YouTube.

  • No One

    There is thousands of gullible youngsters like that guy. Its too easy to make kids believe anything today especially when they fully buy into the transhuman materialist paradigm

  • James Newmeyer

    When I used to eat leafy green salads my poops were always mussy and it took a lot of TP to clean up, not to mention I would have to poop at least 4 times a day. Now fully carnivore I poop no more than once a day, sometimes every other day.

  • Kevan Hess

    The Supplement makers are surely happy with people like this because it's big money only for them.Then with all the plants they using they are destroying the eco system. He can save himself and the World Eco system just by eating more meat.SUCKER ?

  • HotStunna80

    I think supplements are BS! Why do we need to take them, if there’s food that has the nutrition in it in the first place? I asked this long ago in my early 20’s when my dad started his supplement company. He made a ton of money. Was a very successful business man. He sold legit products, but it was essentially based on the “soil being depleted” and the fact he was trying to fix his own and other peoples’ health. He got pretty far with that journey, but I always wondered about “what if there’s a food source that could give us nutrients with out all this crazy supplementation to keep up with the Jones’s?”. I stumbled upon this Carnivore lifestyle mostly due to Shawn in initial disbelief about meat being healthy and being a whole food that’s highly nutrient dense. Then started asking myself, “what if this entire time we had a legit food source all along and we’re all being BS’ed?”. I feel like I found the holy grail of nutrition with this lifestyle. I’m quite shocked that more haven’t waken up yet. It’s a piece of the puzzle that I was missing for the longest time. Luckily I was open-minded enough to see the truth that I was waiting for, for the longest time. Thank you Shawn. 🙂

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